This week, the team continued researching and implementing their respective parts, particularly the implementation portion. A change we made to the facial detection part was in the initial set-up phase. In our proposal presentation, we stated that we wanted to have the initial set-up computed within 5 seconds. However, after testing the program, it turned out that 5 seconds was too short of a time, especially if the user is not used to using the system. We increased this time to 10 seconds.
Jessica worked on implementing the off-center detection and initial setup phase for the eye detection portion of the facial detection part. When a user’s eyes are wandering around, which constitutes as subpar eye contact, for up to 5 seconds, iRecruit will alert the user that their eyes are not centered. This frame of reference for centered is measured through moments in OpenCV, which calculate the centroid of each iris/pupil image. The center coordinates are calculated for each eye detection, and then the average of all the center coordinates is taken to calculate the reference center coordinates (X and Y). If the user’s eyes differ from this reference center (within a range), they are alerted. She also started testing the eye detection portion, and will continue doing this next week. She will also start looking into the screen alignment portion with facial landmark detection.
Mohini worked on implementing the signal processing aspect of the project. From her work from last week, the team determined that the time signal representation of the audio recording was not sufficient enough, so this week the audio signal was analyzed in the frequency domain. After meeting with the PhD student, we have a couple of ideas to implement for next week (the Hamming window and the log mel filterbank coefficients).
Shilika worked on the signal processing portion of the project. She worked with the team to make modifications to the output of the signal processing algorithm. Modifications included splitting the total audio file into 20 millisecond chunks and trimming the file so there is no excess silence. The output still needs further modifications which she will continue working on this coming week.