This week I helped Echo and Peizhi connect with and expand on the code snippet I wrote last week. The code snippet can receive and delete messages containing alarm data from the web app server in real time. For now it is live at when I spin up the server). Echo and Peizhi expanded on the snippet so it can initiate the robot sequence when a message is received.
I helped debug authentication and connection issues with AWS SQS when running the snippet on the Pi. I also helped modifying API endpoints according to the requirement of the Create 2 Open Interface so the data received on Pi can be directly used for ingestion.
I set up IAM users for both Echo and Peizhi, just in case they need to access web server or SQS console when they are debugging in the future.
I tried to move web server from Amazon Linux machine to Ubuntu in an attempt to deploy the website so it is always live, using Nginx, PM2, etc. It did not work in the end after a few hours of debugging. It might have something to do with my project file structure. I might look into other services that help deploy MERN stack application, or Node.js application, or readjust my overall file structure.
I am on schedule.
For system design changes: I am considering switching MongoDB out for Redshift/RDS/Aurora. Right now I have the full working implementation using MongoDB, but I am concerned it might be an overkill considering the simple structure and light load of the data we are working with. Hence I am considering switching from NoSQL to SQL databases. And using databases provided by AWS family like RedShift might be easier for integration. I can even just use a CSV file to store the data.
This week(week of 11/9 – 11/15):
- prepared for interim demo on Wednesday
- cleared and prepared sample alarm and schedule data
- deployed current implementation to EC2(Ubuntu)
- tested code snippet on Pi
- supported Echo and Peizhi in the integration of the code snippet into the main program running on Pi
- set up access for Echo and Peizhi for easier debugging
Next week(week of 11/16 – 11/22):
- continue testing communication between Pi and web app
- modify communication code snippet on RPi so it writes to files instead of printing to stdout(to keep a record of messages & when they are received, to validate reliability of the alarm scheduling)
- implement alarm and ringtone deletion
- research on and implement database change
Week of 11/23 – 11/29:
- continue testing communication between Pi and web app
- implement ringtone creation by importing MIDI files