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Author: ayli1

Anna’s Status Update for 10/10

Anna’s Status Update for 10/10

I started off this week with a rather concerning realization, which is that our original plan to use four microphones was flawed. We intended to connect two microphones to each of the Jetson Nano’s two I2S ports, but this would not allow for us to distinguish the microphones’ signals from each other and analyze them individually, which we need to do in order to determine the direction of the source. I talked about it with the team, and we have…

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Anna’s Status Update for 10/3

Anna’s Status Update for 10/3

This past week, my main goal was to verify a stable multi-mic connection among the Adafruit I2S microphones. In order to test this without a Jetson Nano (since we were not sure when placing our first batch of orders whether we could afford getting every single team member a Nano), I did some research to find that the mics would work with an Arduino Zero, a smaller and significantly cheaper chip with which I could test them. I then wired…

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Team’s Status Update for 10/3

Team’s Status Update for 10/3

One of the main concerns we have for the week is the additional hardware we may need to purchase. Currently Edward is using the Jetson TX2, which is more powerful than the Jetson Nano but they do have different port requirements. The TX2 can support up to 6 MIPI input cameras but only with a breakout board which is insanely expensive. Our current solution is for Edward to continue developing from the TX2 with the single camera module until it…

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