Team Status Update for 11/21
For the upcoming weeks we have given ourselves the deadline to finish up the overall project in the next week and a half. We know that the week after Thanksgiving we need to spend testing and getting results for the final presentation so we need to be done with all of the development on the actual project by then. We will actually start fine tuning and testing the parts that we can this week and at the end of the week hope to completely finish the integration.
For the upcoming week, Edward will be primarily focused on further improving the CV aspect and finishing up the last step of integration. For further information its best to read his status report as it is much more detailed but as basically it is to help us improve the choosing of a speaker when there are multiple. Heather and Anna will be focusing on the microphone implementation. Anna found that the MCP3008 ADC’s real sampling rate is absolutely terrible, but we found another very promising solution offered by NVIDIA, itself — Isaac, NVIDIA’s open platform for intelligent robots, has a specific algorithm (a GEM) specifically for acoustic location that should work well with the Nano. It works with a ReSpeaker 4-mic array, which we’ve just ordered, so this week, Anna will be putting together this implementation while Heather looks into backup solutions.