Jason Huang
- Obtained facial data via online (http://www.face-rec.org/databases/)
- Successfully implemented basic 2D facial recognition (no depth yet), based on dlib
- Wrote additional code to store registered users in a directory, and have the user’s face be compared with all the registered faces with the tested face
Upcoming Work
I will continue testing my new code with random facial data from online as well before the camera arrives. I hope that by the next few weeks, the code will also be able to detect 3D, so that someone can’t unlock a door by holding a picture of a face. This is to ensure that the actual human is in front of the camera to unlock the door.
Made substantial progress this week, with the help of some online libraries and more free time. I am almost back on track, and hope to include depth in consideration of our facial recognition algorithm after our depth camera arrives.
Joe Zhao
This week I was able to talk to Professor Kelly, and work out the correct type of wire to use. Litz Wire would have too high of an impedance, so the best type of wire to use would be one with a higher gauge. We will compensate for the skin effect by reducing the frequency that we will be oscillating the coil at. The magnet, along with some other components for the front have been ordered, so I am now waiting for those. In the mean time, I helped Emily debug some issue with the bluetooth circuit, as she was also doing a lot with figuring out the camera issues.
For next week, I hope to have the parts so at least the coil will be completed, and I can make sure that it is able to handle the correct oscillation frequency and amperage. Then, I will also construct the class D switching circuit, and test that before adding it with the coil. Two coils will be made so I can measure the output resistance. I am slightly behind due to the coil wire problem, but I am looking to catch up this next week.
Emily Wong
This week we finally got our original camera (Intel SR305), and I can pick it up on Monday, so I’m excited to get some real camera data. The circuit is basically all set up, so next week will consist of getting the camera to interface with the RPi, which has already been flashed with Linux from last week, and figuring out how to make sure that none of the picture data gets lost in transit to the processing part. This week in particular was a bit slow because a lot of the groundwork for the front and back were already built, so it was just a bit of tweaking and making sure the correct data was being sent around when in different states of the control flow. I also spent a good amount of time designing an outer enclosure for both the back and the front. Haven’t had time to print anything out yet, but I will be consulting some mechE friends to see if my design makes sense before doing anything concrete. Joe and I also spec’ed out some motors and a door, so hopefully we can turn a deadbolt in the upcoming weeks!
Things seem to be looking up, since we finally got our camera issues sorted out (hopefully once and for all!). Next week will consist mainly of Emily and Jason working together to merge code so picture data flows well between the two systems that were built so far. Since in-class demos are coming up, we can hopefully have at least the facial recognition working with the front/back circuits.