Weekly Update, October 27 to November 2

Jason Huang


  • Obtained facial data via online (http://www.face-rec.org/databases/)
  • Updated code that takes one photo and sees if it is registered; will be using this to demo next week
  • Wrote an additional function that takes every single photo in a certain registered user’s photo directory, and average out the facial features to make the facial recognition more robust.

Upcoming Work

I want to integrate my code with Emily’s so that when a picture is taken, I can compare the photo with the database of registered faces and see if anything matches. I hope to also extend my code so that it detects depth, since right now I can take a printed-out picture of myself and still unlock the door, so I am trying to prevent that.


I traveled last weekend so was unable to get as much work done. Still working on integrating code with Emily, but hope that will happen soon (not sure if it can happen before demo, but I have something ready for the demo at least).


Emily Wong

This week we finally got our original camera so we could finally do some interfacing with the Intel realsense sdk and the raspberry pi. All of my time spent this week was working on figuring out how to install all the libraries required to use the SDK, and figuring out how it works to get pointcloud and rgb data. So far, I’ve been able to get pointcloud data to be visualized through streaming it realtime to the pi. I was also able to get the RBG camera feed to sync with the pointcloud. However, I’ve been having trouble with the SDK getting the full pointcloud+rbg instead of it auto filtering out the background. I also need to figure out how to capture pictures instead of streaming video, and save those in formats that are useful to Jason. I think that I’m a bit behind since figuring out the SDK has been a pain, since there’s very little & bad documentation. Hopefully I should be able to figure it out on Sunday to get it working in time for the demo.

Joe Zhao

This week I got a lot of the parts for the inductive power. I spent the week assembling the coils and the rectifier. So far, it seems like there is a decent amount of voltage being matched on the receiving end. The only issue is that the amperage is kind of low. I am not 100% sure if this is due to the coil itself, or the fact that the function generating I’m using has a maximum current based on the voltage. I wanted to make the switching circuit, but it seems like I made a mistake when ordering the PMOS. The actual IC is way too small to be mounted on a breadboard, and also too small for me to try to solder wires to. I’m currently working on seeing if there are other options that I can do to connect to the NMOS, but it seems like I may need to order different PMOS. For next week, I hope to get all the MOSFETS so I can get the switching circuit, and then also the voltage regulator to get the correct amount of voltage to the RPI.

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