Weekly Update, November 17 to November 23

Jason Huang


  • Improvement of integrating Emily’s 3D data into my code

    Upcoming Work

Will continue working with 3D data, and hopefully making the 3D facial detection a lot better at detecting fake faces.


Going to work during Thanksgiving to continue fine-tuning the code.



Finally fixed the pi/camera issue, so was able to get more data to Jason finally! Also fixed the picture taking script so that the camera had some time to settle before taking the person’s picture. Other work this week included taking a trip to Home Depot with the gang and buying a door and deadbolt, so I’ve been fine tuning the servos to that specific deadbolt. Next week I’ll be working with Jason to write some scripts to integrate all the pieces of code we’ve written so that things can be called sequentially following the order of our intended control flow.


I spent a lot of time in the lab this week. The first thing that I was able to accomplish was to increase the switching speed back to 100khz. I realized that the physical distance between the two mosfets was causing the gate signal to be slightly offset, resulting in some oscillations in the output. I moved the both right next to each other on the breadboard and it was better. I also attached some heat sinks to the mosfets just in case. On the actual power transfer side, I am looking into changing around the topology. (parallel-parallel vs series-series, etc). Something very strange that I noticed that the function generator was able to have a much greater efficiency in power transfer than the switching circuit I was using. This is leading me to suspect that there is something in the internal impedance of the function generator that is helping transfer more power, or that there is maybe some kind of signal noise that is reducing the efficiency for the switching circuit. If I can figure out how to get similar efficiency as the function generator on my power circuit, I should be able to send more than enough power, it is just a matter of figuring out why this is the case. I have read many papers on improving the efficiency of inductive power transfer, and I believe that I am hitting most of the important aspects. I strongly suspect that it may be a small issue that is causing low efficiency. I obtained several large capacitors and a voltage regulator so that shouldn’t be an issue once the power can be transferred.


Went to Home Depot and bought a door, door handle, and deadbolt!

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