LaSEEr is a system that converts the real world to lasers. LaSEEr uses a camera or video feed and converts that stream into a laser show. We are going to build a project that consists of a camera, small computer, lasers, and laser beam guidance mechanism. We will achieve a laser traced style animation with this system of >10 frames per second. This project will hopefully result in a cool way of visualizing the world around us in a very unique way.
The image from the camera is traced and the edges and colors of shapes are converted to movements and red-green-blue power outputs for the lasers. Instead of physically moving the lasers themselves, we are using mirrors to guide the light of the lasers. By combining red, green, and blue lasers and then modulating their power, we can make a singular beam of any color.
For more information, please refer to the proposal presentation: 18500_A2_Proposal_Presentation