Status Update 10/13/18


  • Worked on the design review presentation and the design document
  • Came across a paper on “Real-time eye blinking detection using facial landmarks” and used that idea along with OpenCV and dlib to implement eye open/close detection algorithm. The algorithm maps 68 facial landmarks onto the input image.

Eye markers for open and closed eyes look like:




The algorithm then computes distances between the features for each of the eyes and averages them out to give a number. I trained it on various baby images and it seems to work really well. (only 1 out of 100 was incorrectly classified).

Correctly detecting open eyes:

Correctly detecting closed eyes:

  • I also developed a simple android application to save accelerometer data into a file on the phone so that we can use it to test sleep detection algorithm. The app currently saves acceleration along 3 x-axis, y-axis and z-axis.


  • Worked on the design review presentation and the design document
  • Identified important types of patterns that distinguish sleep and wake accelerometer data for the use cases that we were interested in
    • Sleep with short bursts of movement around once per minute
    • Regular activity, irregular acceleration
    • Regular activity, sinusoidal acceleration for motion artifact
  • Ran different simulations on simulated accelerometer data to measure accuracy
    • Got an accuracy of 99%
  • Ran simulations on simulated heart rate data with motion artifact and noise
    • Got an accuracy of 98%
    • BPM of 120 to 150
  • Reevaluated some testing data sets
  • Read papers on sensor fusion for computer vision
    • Goals for next week are to see how to apply this to our problem

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