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buzzwords [2012/11/02 21:29]
buzzwords [2014/09/02 03:31] (current)
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   * Systolic Computation   * Systolic Computation
   * Pipeline Parallelism   * Pipeline Parallelism
 +=====Lecture 24=====
 +  * Resource Sharing
 +  * Shared Resource Management and QoS
 +  * Resource Sharing vs. Partitioning
 +  * Multi-core Caching
 +  * Shared Cache Management
 +  * Sharing in Main Memory
 +  * Memory Controller
 +  * Inter-Thread Interference
 +  * QoS-Aware Memory Scheduling
 +  * Stall-Time Fairness
 +  * Bank Parallelism-Awareness
 +  * Request Batching
 +  * Shortest Stall-Time First Ranking
 +  * Memory Episode Lengths
 +  * Least Attained Service
 +=====Lecture 25=====
 +  * QoS-Aware Memory Request Scheduling
 +  * Smart/Dumb Resources
 +  * Throughput vs. Fairness
 +  * Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling
 +  * Clustering Threads
 +  * CPU-GPU Systems
 +  * Staged Memory Scheduling
 +  * Parallel Application Memory QoS
 +=====Lecture 26=====
 +  * QoS-Aware Memory Systems
 +  * Smart vs. Dumb Resources
 +  * Memory Channel Partitioning
 +  * Application-Awareness
 +  * Multiple Channels
 +  * Memory Intensity
 +  * Row Buffer Locality
 +  * Preferred Channel
 +  * Integrated Memory Partitioning and Scheduling
 +  * Fairness via Source Throttling
 +  * Dynamic Request Throttling
 +  * Estimating System Unfairness
 +  * Inter-Core Interference
 +  * Row Buffer Interference
 +  * Memory Interference-induced Slowdown Estimation
 +  * Shared Memory Performance Predictability
 +  * Shared Resource Interference
 +  * Memory Phase Fraction
 +  * Alone Request Service Rate
 +  * Shared Request Service Rate
 +  * “Soft” Slowdown Guarantees
 +=====Lecture 27=====
 +  * CPU-GPU Memory Scheduling
 +  * Batch Formation
 +  * Batch Scheduler
 +  * DRAM Command Scheduler
 +  * Prefetcher Accuracy
 +  * Feedback-Directed Prefetching
 +  * Hierarchical Prefetcher Aggressiveness Control
 +  * Inter-Core Cache Pollution
 +  * Global Control