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Table of Contents


The Poster session is on Dec 10th, 2.30 - 6.30 pm, Newell Simon Hall (NSH) Atrium.

Posters size should be 40”x30”. Create your final posters in PDF format.

Final Report

The final report should be two-column, single spaced. It should NOT exceed 12 pages. The report should explain the following things.

  • Detailed description of the problem
  • Why existing solutions are not sufficient
  • Key ideas behind your solution
  • Your simulation infrastructure
  • Results compared to baseline
  • Insights that you might have developed
  • Brief survey of related work

Sample Report: SampleTCM

The tar ball contains the latex files for a MICRO 2010 paper. The sample will also give you a feel for the organization of a conference paper in Computer Architecture. There is a makefile included in the tarball. The main file “paper.tex” defines the organization of the paper and the different section contents are present in the remaining tex files.

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