This is an old revision of the document!
Posters size should preferably be 40”x30”. Create your final posters in PDF format. Try not to push the poster printing too close to the actual session.
All students should be able to use the SCS poster printer (since this is also a CSD course). We will confirm this by Monday and suggest alternate ways of printing the poster if needed.
Final Report
The final report should be two-column, single spaced. It should NOT exceed 12 pages. The report should explain the following things.
* Detailed description of the problem
* Why existing solutions are not sufficient
* Key ideas behind your solution
* Your simulation infrastructure
* Results compared to baseline
* Insights that you might have developed
* Brief survey of related work
Sample Report: SampleTCM
The tar ball contains the latex files for a paper to be published in MICRO 2010. The sample will also give you a feel for the organization of a technical report in Computer Architecture. You need to have latex packages installed on your system. There is a makefile included in the tarball. The main file “paper.tex” defines the organization of the paper and the content is present in the remaining tex files.