This is an old revision of the document!


4/1: Use the poll below to choose which date you prefer for holding the project poster session. If you definitely cannot make it on one of the posted dates, please send us an e-mail at as soon as possible.
4/1: The solution key for homework 2 is available in the homework section.
4/1: Please use this page to schedule an appointment for milestone 2.
View Previous Announcements
3/25: Post your reviews and comments for the “The Alpha 21264 microprocessor” paper at the Paper Discussion Board.
3/4: Homework Assignment 2 is out! If you didn't fill out the feedback form today in class you can hand it in on Thursday (3/6) in class.
3/4: Midterm 1 grades are available here. The solution key for midterm 1 can be found in the Exams section.
3/2: Please use this page to schedule an appointment for milestone 1.
2/18: Grades for homework 1 are available here.
2/17: The solution key for homework 1 is available in the homework section.
2/4: Please use this page to announce your tentative project topics and form project groups.
2/4: After reviewing the poll results, from now on the wiki will be the primary course website. Make sure to check back frequently for updates.
2/3: I apologize for not being able to be there for today's office hours. For those who might have wanted to meet with me I will hold additional office hours today from 2:50pm-3:50pm and from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. -Michael
2/2: Check the submission instructions for Assignment 1.
1/27: Now that everyone is registered we plan to only maintain one primary website for the course. Use the poll below to choose if you prefer the Wiki or Blackboard.
1/25: Some small trace files and cache configurations along with their corresponding outputs have been added under /afs/ece/class/ece741/hw1/traces/small/ to help you validate your code for problem 4 (Caching) of homework 1.
1/20: Please, check if you have access to the games cluster (e.g. chess.lab.ece.cmu.local) by trying to login. If you don't have access let us know by e-mail to (e-mail subject: “Access to games cluster”).
1/23: gripe.ece has let us know that access to games cluster has been provided. All that contacted us until Thursday evening must be able to login.
1/21: We now have a different classroom! We have been moved to BH 136A.
1/21: Homework 1 is now available!
1/20: The project statement and topics have been posted in the Project section. It is important that you start thinking about your project topics early.
1/20: Please, check if you have access to the games cluster (e.g. chess.lab.ece.cmu.local) by trying to login. If you don't have access let us know by e-mail to (e-mail subject: “Access to games cluster”).
1/19: Prof. Mutlu's office hours have changed. New office hours: Mondays, 2 hours after lecture, 11:00am-1:00pm (or appointments via email)
1/17: Make sure to read and post your reviews and comments for the 2 required readings of lecture 2 at the Paper Discussion Board (posting deadlines appear next to each paper). If you haven't registered yet, here are instructions on how to register and post your reviews/comments.
1/15: Please send any questions you may have to “ece741 /at/”. The e-mails will be forwarded to all the TAs and the instructor.
1/14: Post your reviews and discuss the assigned papers at the Paper Discussion Board. The subscription password is “187414ever”. (further instructions on how to register and post reviews/comments)
1/12: Added Readings section, which can be accessed through the navigation menu on the left.
1/9: Added course syllabus and homework assignment 0.

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