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poster_final_report [2010/12/09 18:06]
poster_final_report [2010/12/09 21:34] (current)
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Posters size should be 40"x30". Create your final posters in PDF format. Posters size should be 40"x30". Create your final posters in PDF format.
-If you are a CS student, you should be able to use the SCS poster printing service directly. If you are an ECE student, here are the instructions to print your poster,+Sample Poster : {{sample_poster.pdf|Sample poster}}
-* Your poster size should be 40"x30" +If you are a CS student, you should be able to use the SCS poster printing service directly. If you are an ECE student, here are the instructions to print your poster.\\
-* Create your poster and convert it to PDF format. +
-* Send an email to all the TAs with the following information +
-  ** Your project title +
-  ** Attachment containing your poster in PDF format +
-  ** Name of the group member who will be collecting the poster once it is printed.+
-Please send in your posters before 5 PM on Thursday, 9th December.+  * Your poster size should be 40"x30" 
 +  * Create your poster and convert it to PDF format. 
 +  * Send an email to all the TAs with the following information 
 +    * Your project title 
 +    * Attachment containing your poster in PDF format 
 +    * Name of the group member who will be collecting the poster once it is printed. 
 +  * Please send in your posters before 5 PM on Thursday, 9th December.
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  * Brief survey of related work\\   * Brief survey of related work\\
-Sample Report: {{sampletcm.tar.gz|SampleTCM}}\\+ 
 +Sample Report - pdf : {{TCM_paper.pdf|TCM_paper}} tarball: {{sampletcm.tar.gz|SampleTCM}}\\
The tar ball contains the latex files for a MICRO 2010 paper. The sample will also give you a feel for the organization of a conference paper in Computer Architecture. There is a makefile included in the tarball. The main file "paper.tex" defines the organization of the paper and the different section contents are present in the remaining tex files. The tar ball contains the latex files for a MICRO 2010 paper. The sample will also give you a feel for the organization of a conference paper in Computer Architecture. There is a makefile included in the tarball. The main file "paper.tex" defines the organization of the paper and the different section contents are present in the remaining tex files.

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