
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

announcements [2010/10/20 16:21]
announcements [2010/11/08 16:35] (current)
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===== Announcements ===== ===== Announcements =====
 +**Oct 22:** Midterm 1 solution has been uploaded in the [[:Exams|exams]] page.\\
 +**Oct 20:** Homework 3 has been uploaded in the homeworks page.\\
 +**Oct 13:** The midterm exam has been uploaded in case you want to take a second look. The solutions will be posted soon.\\
 +**Oct 9:** The solutions to the sample exams have been posted.\\
 +**Oct 7:** TAs have been assigned to projects, so you know which TA to [[:Project|bug]].\\
**Oct 2:** Homework 2 has been uploaded in the homeworks page.\\ **Oct 2:** Homework 2 has been uploaded in the homeworks page.\\
**Oct 2:** We have added a sample of [[:Exams|midterm exams]] from last year to help you with preparing for the midterm.\\ **Oct 2:** We have added a sample of [[:Exams|midterm exams]] from last year to help you with preparing for the midterm.\\

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