
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

announcements [2010/09/09 18:44]
announcements [2010/11/08 16:35] (current)
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===== Announcements ===== ===== Announcements =====
 +**Oct 22:** Midterm 1 solution has been uploaded in the [[:Exams|exams]] page.\\
 +**Oct 20:** Homework 3 has been uploaded in the homeworks page.\\
 +**Oct 13:** The midterm exam has been uploaded in case you want to take a second look. The solutions will be posted soon.\\
 +**Oct 9:** The solutions to the sample exams have been posted.\\
 +**Oct 7:** TAs have been assigned to projects, so you know which TA to [[:Project|bug]].\\
 +**Oct 2:** Homework 2 has been uploaded in the homeworks page.\\
 +**Oct 2:** We have added a sample of [[:Exams|midterm exams]] from last year to help you with preparing for the midterm.\\
 +**Sep 25:** We have added [[:buzzwords|buzz words]] for all the lectures. This is to help you prepare for the exam.\\
 +**Sep 24:** The solution to homework 0 part 2 has been posted.\\
 +**Sep 22:** Readings for lecture 6 have been posted. Another paper has been added for review (deadline Sep 30th)\\
 +**Sep 14:** Homework 1 has been posted and is due Sep 22nd.\\
 +**Sep 09:** A page has been created to share your research interests and discuss on possible project topics with fellow grad students. Follow the instructions under the [[:Project]] page.\\
 +**Sep 09:** The review system is **up and running again**. Detailed Instructions on how to submit your review can found under the [[:Instructions]] page.\\
 +**Sep 03:** The list of suggested project topics downloaded from the [[:Project]] page.\\
 +**Aug 30:** The project statement is uploaded in the [[:Project]] page. Please go through it. The list of suggested topics will be uploaded soon.\\
**8/30:** The paper review system is up and running. You can follow the [[http://sourcery.cmcl.cs.cmu.edu:4000/collections/show/38|link]], where you need to register to the "15-740/18-740" collection of papers. The password required has been sent to you over e-mail. Deadline is September 10th.\\ **8/30:** The paper review system is up and running. You can follow the [[http://sourcery.cmcl.cs.cmu.edu:4000/collections/show/38|link]], where you need to register to the "15-740/18-740" collection of papers. The password required has been sent to you over e-mail. Deadline is September 10th.\\
**8/30:** The first lecture is on Wednesday, September 8. Make sure you complete your Homework 0 (Part 1) by then.\\ **8/30:** The first lecture is on Wednesday, September 8. Make sure you complete your Homework 0 (Part 1) by then.\\

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