Team X has been assigned a directory /afs/ece/class/ece549/public_html/spring14/teamX
Only that team’s members have write access to that AFS directory.
All documentation for the team's project should be placed in that directory.
Documentation Template: Copy the file template-for-index.html and store it as index.html in the root of your assigned team directory in AFS space. You will fill the various sections of the index.html file as we check off the various milestones for the project. Don't forget to change "X" to your team number and "Moniker" to your team's cool name in the title of the page. Feel free to embellish this file and be creative –- this index.html template is just a starting point containing specific sections that I would like to see on your project website. These sections and their content are described below.
Concept: Fill this out using the
guidelines for
project concept (CMU-only access), as discussed in class.
Motivation: Fill this out using the
guidelines for
project motivation (CMU-only access), as discussed in class.
Competitive Analysis: Fill this out using the
guidelines for
competitive analysis (CMU-only access), as discussed in class.
Technical Specifications: Fill this out using the
guidelines for
technical specifications (CMU-only access), as discussed in class.
Requirements: Fill this out using the
guidelines for
requirements (CMU-only access), as discussed in class.
Time Lapse: This section is for the "back-story" of your project,
pictures of your prototype in progress, fun pictures of your team
hard at work, etc.
Presentations & Videos: Provide links to all of your presentations, videos and
any papers/documents in developing your project.