This capstone course comprises a semester-long project experience geared towards the development of skills to design realistic and practical embedded systems and applications. Students will work in teams on an innovative project that will involve the hands-on design, configuration, engineering, implementation and testing of a prototype of an embedded system of their choice. Students will be expected to leverage proficiency and background gained from other courses, particularly with regard to embedded real-time principles and embedded programming. The project will utilize a synergistic mixture of skills in system architecture, modular system design, software engineering, subsystem integration, debugging and testing.

From inception to demonstration of the prototype, the course will follow industrial project practices, such as version control, design requirements, design reviews and quality assurance plans. The lecture content will cover background material intended to complement the project work, and will also leverage lessons learned from case studies of industrial practices and incidents. The remainder of the course will consist of regular team presentations of key project milestones, current project status, a final project presentation and functional demonstrations of various subsystems, even as the entire prototype is being developed.
Format: 3 hrs lecture, 9 hrs lab
Lectures: Wed 9.30-12.20pm, CIC 1201 (Spring 2014)

Prof. Priya Narasimhan, is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon. Her experience ranges from embedded/mobile systems to cloud computing and fault-tolerant distributed systems. She is the academic head of the Intel Science and Technology Center in Embedded Computing based at Carnegie Mellon University. She has real-world experience in founding and running multiple technology start-up companies, including her current company, YinzCam, Inc., focused on mobile live video experiences for sports fans. She is passionate about different kinds of sports technology as well as assistive embedded technologies to help the blind and the deaf. She is a rabid hockey and football fan.
Office: CIC 4th Floor
Tel: 412-268-8801
Email: priya at

Spring '15 Coming Soon...