Nina’s Status Report For 4/27/2024

Accomplished Tasks

This week, I worked on the slides for the final presentation and did 20+ rounds of testing for our full integration of our search and shine rover. Since we are trying to merge all our subsystems to have one unified project, we are working on solving the inaccuracies in centering the rover to be straight as well as the long latency it takes to turn on a laser. While David and Ronit were refining their software to center the rover laser on a newly detected person, I was acting as the person the rover would center on and did test trials in different positions, lighting, and angles. We are working on minimizing inaccuracies that come with edge cases for these sort of situations. Furthermore, I also added some frontend to the website to make it look nicer and also added additional information for the rescue worker to understand how to use the site to monitor.


My progress is on track, however, I would like to add communication between my website and Ronit’s object detection server in order to classify and count the people found. However, I am running into issues as with having to constantly trigger the event to collect outside data and is creating large amounts of overhead and thus causing the web application to become slow. I am still currently deciding on whether or not to incorporate this feature.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, I plan on largely working on the final documents with my team and continuing to optimize and refine the features on my web app. Also, we will as a whole continue to test and refine our search and shine system for the final demo.

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