Accomplished Tasks
This week, I finished up most of the base of the website: home feed with explanation of what the site does and some UX. I began implementing FastAPI and GeoDjango for the live GPS interface of the drone as well as the video streaming. So far, I’m able to get and display the GPS location of the current user on a live map display.
Unfortunately, due to the change in drone plans, I can no longer use the RTMP video link that would come with using a DJI drone’s fly app. I can still use FastAPI for streaming, but since the type of drone is dependent on what Professor Basti can occur, this is currently still in progress.
Next Week’s Deliverables
Next week,I will try to finish up the GPS map interface this week and get a tracker for the drone (possible Apple airtag) in order to get live coordinates of something that isn’t just the current user’s laptop. In addition, once we meet with Professor Basti and confirm the type of drone we receive, I will look into what sort of byte streaming I can use from the drone’s footage.