Traditional, unassisted vacuum cleaners often lack the precision and efficiency to clean every tile and corner of a room thoroughly. Users commonly miss spots as they try to finish up their weekly chores, causing an already time consuming task to be even more burdensome. Our project addresses this challenge by providing users with an AR (augmented reality) interface which offers real-time guidance and visualization during a cleaning process, as well as spot detection.
Our product involves both an application and a set of vacuum attachments:
The mobile app allows the user to receive visual cues which can guide them to areas that need attention. This system also aims to ensure that no spot is missed, making the cleaning process more thorough and efficient. Our product will also identify areas of concern/higher dirt concentration, and will highlight them in the AR display. We plan to create a product that is both accessible and easily integrated into any existing vacuum system, making it simple to use and user-friendly to anyone who wants a deeper, quicker cleaning experience.
The attachments on the vacuum involve a mounting point for the phone to collect LIDAR information and secondly a sensing module located behind the head of the vacuum to leverage active illumination and computer vision to detect the cleanliness of the area most recently traversed by the vacum.