Significant Risks
This week we found we were able to successfully program the DWM1001 development boards as well as measure distances between them.
There is a risk in the fact that there could be difficulties in setting up an ultrawideband network of DWM1001 boards communicating amongst each other. We need to ensure we can create this network of devices, as well as find the limit (if there is one) to the number of devices the tag can communicate with at any given time. We would like to have these figured out next week so we know the limits of the devices relatively early on into the development cycle. If it turns out that there is a limit to the number of devices communicating, our contingencies consist of opting towards utilizing multiple UWB channels for our communication networks.
We also need to make sure that the DWM1001 boards can be connected to the internet so we can communicate data to the user. To do this, we need to make sure to set up a Gateway using a RPi. If there are issues in getting the RPi to interface with the DWM1001, we can try to use a ESP32 UWB as our gateway instead.
Changes to System Design
Because our initial progress with the development of both the web application and the DWM1001-Dev boards seemed to be overall positive, we did not make any changes to the design of the system.
We made some slight changes to our schedule to accurately describe our tasks. Some existing tasks were reorganized.
Next week’s goals:
Jeff: Continue development of the web application, making improvements to the building view to add functionality for navigation.
Weelie (also Ifeanyi): Accomplish a full “network test” this week to get unique distances from multiple devices. Is there a limit to how many devices we can talk to?
Ifeanyi (also Weelie): Put in an order form for a RPi. Then see if you can use the RPi to talk to the internet while interfacing with the DWM board. Research a good IMU (or use the one already on the DWM1001 board) to use with the RPI.
Team: work on Design Report.
Web App progress