I found an open source project for a marble-in-the-sand drawing table, and went through all constituent parts and found links for them all. This was done and added to a spreadsheet found here.
I set up the website with everything specified in the website guidance file on canvas. I also completely redesigned the website, created a logo, and created a good tile-able background (harder than it sounds). While the final version of each is present on the site, the Photoshop file and previous outputs are stored in our drive.
I worked with Callum and Anirud in lab to determine the feasibility of induction sensing. We concluded it likely it’s reasonable, and we will now continue testing magnetometers and hall effect sensors.
I believe we are on schedule. Next week I plan to throw together a finalized CAD of the entire assembly, and time permitting, begin ordering constituent parts.
A mostly finished, Finalized CAD assembly of our project. Because discussion and trial and error takes time, I’m optimistic to have entirely finished by the end of next week.