Callum’s Status Report for 4/20

This Week:

Debugging and troubleshooting: Lots of it.

This week, Anirud and I encountered significant problems with reading Arduino values. After wiring and rewiring, many of these problems were solved – they likely stemmed from poor solder connections which we replaced with jumper cables. The debugging code I wrote also had some minor bugs which led to crashes and missed outputs from the Arduino.

After fixing this code, I realized that we are still having problems detecting devices on the matrix – this is on the schedule for Anirud and I to solve ASAP on Monday.

Apart from this, I mounted the matrix PCBs into a wooden cast which will be part of the final build. This mount ensures that PCBs are properly spaced and reduces strain on the components from transit and storage for now. I have taken a look at inter-Arduino communication so that we will be ready for MVP and I expect us to see communication between the matrix and motor assembly within the week.

Current Schedule:

Currently on track – but running out of time for troubleshooting the matrix.

Next Week:
  • Finalize and solve matrix problems
  • Successfully move stage based on matrix output
  • Finalize Device map code and feedback
  • Complete Final Presentation

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