Justin’s Status Report for April 30

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.

On Sunday I worked most of the day preparing for the final presentation. On top of working on the actual presentation, I finished the neural network for photo editing. This involved creating the final dataset for the photo editing, training the model, and testing with people outside of the project. During the week, I attended the final presentations in class. I also worked on resolving an installation issue on the Jetson Nano. Our current versions of PyTorch and CUDA were incompatible.  

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I am on schedule with the most recent team schedule.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Demo : )

Justin’s Status Report for April 23

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.

With deadlines upcoming, I contributed to multiple areas of the project. The most crucial area I worked in was implementing the search algorithm on the robotic system.

The robot scans all the way horizontally then increments vertically (I could not find a way to show a video of this happening)

The second thing I worked on was helping troubleshoot the training of our detection CNN. We tried training this model on a laptop and on google Colab, but neither of these approaches were feasible. So instead we used my desktop. This ended up being more difficult than anticipated due to incompatibility between our CUDA and Pytorch versions. Afterward, I worked with my group members to install PyTorch on the Jetson Nano to use the detection model.

Finally, I continued to make progress on the photo editing algorithm. Our goal is to have a CNN which outputs amounts to apply various image algorithms. To generate data for this training, we need the algorithms to be reversible to determine the target editing modification. Some inverse algorithms (ex. tint inverse) could be mathematically derived. Others (like sharpening and blurring) required experimentally finding a relationship that minimized reconstruction error.

Relationship between blur values and sharpening values which lead to minimum MSE between original and restored images

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I am on schedule with the most recent team schedule.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Complete test results and modifications for the system.

Justin’s Status Report for April 16

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.

One of our largest integration problems has been streaming the camera’s video using python 3. The demo code/library for the Pan Tilt Zoom camera was written for python 2 and throws an error when run in python 3. This is a problem because all the code we have written is in python 3. I had previously tried fixing the code by changing the streaming method to write to a pipe or using ffmpeg. After working through the errors in these methods, I realized that the problem was actually with the Threading library. I had been confused by the generic error message combined with a nonfatal error for the GStreamer library which occurred directly before (which I thought was the problem). I have spent the latter half of the week rewriting the JetsonCamera.py file and Camera class to avoid using this library, while still interfacing in the same way.

Whenever I was away from my house and did not have access to the Jetson, I continued working on the photo editing feature. I am working on training a photo editing CNN to automatically apply different image editing algorithms to photos. I plan to use the Kaggle Animal Image Dataset because it has a wide variety of animals and also has only well-edited photos.  I am still formatting the data, but I do not anticipate this task should take too long. This part is not a priority, as we identified it as a stretch goal.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I am on schedule with the most recent team schedule. I plan to finish integration tomorrow to present in our meeting Monday.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

A full robotic system that we can test with.

Justin’s Status Report for April 10

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.



I made a few adjustments to our physical setup to make it more stable. I moved the platforms closer so that the MIPI cables could support a full range of rotation. I also replaced the tape holding the jetson with screws and added a top screw to stabilize the platforms.

I also began setting up testing, which proved more difficult than expected. Our detection and tracking code is being implemented separately, and is still in progress. In order to speed up the integration, I began setting up the camera controls. This included installing the camera driver on the jetson and working a bit with the API. I am still working on enabling multiple cameras.

I also began planning which images and exact processes to use testing, but I still have a lot of work to do on this.

Our Robot Setup


Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I am starting to fall behind a bit. I did not account for the detail and work necessary for integrating our work into one system. The planning and setup for the testing is also non-trivial.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Initial testing results for the robot’s search/detection and the editing algorithm. I did not finish these this week, but I hope to do this next week

Justin’s Status Report for March 26

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.

This week I focused on the integration of our code onto the jetson nano. This process was admittedly far more difficult than we had anticipated. The ptz camera setup has an official Github with code to run on the Jetson, but the camera streaming only works with Python2. When running with python3 I received an error with the GStreamer framework’s interaction with OpenCV. This is a problem that is well documented, but there is apparently no straightforward solution: https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/10324. In order, to remedy this problem, I wrote a replacement for the JetsonCamera.py file that changed the streaming method and Camera class to use ffmpeg instead of GStreamer.  This change was successful in getting the cameras operating with Python 3.

I also added a final image editing function, vibrance, to our library. This algorithm is commonly used in photo editing but was difficult to implement because it is not well defined. The general idea of vibrance is to increase the intensity of dull pixels while keeping colorful pixels the same (to avoid getting washed out). I found pseudocode that decompiled a photo editing library’s implementation, so I coded and adapted this for our proect.

Before and after applying our vibrance effect

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

The integration phase has taken far longer than expected. In order to adjust, I am focusing fully on integration instead of photo editing (a less necessary part of the project). Our group has also adjusted our schedule to have a single round of testing with a Minimum Viable Project instead of multiple rounds of development.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Operational search and detection algorithms running on the robot.

Justin’s Status Report for March 19

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.

I was able to complete a couple of tasks this week. The first, and most important was the physical setup of the robot. I was able to finish all of this task, except for fixing the camera tower to the tripod. This task involved creating a 3 layered tower (camera, jetson nano, camera) where the cameras are screwed in and able to scan their full range of motion.

The next task I completed was updating the sharpening algorithm. We plan on having an algorithm automatically determine the number of effects to apply to our photos. With this in mind, it is important that the scales for applying the image processing algorithms in our library are natural and allow for enough flexibility. Our initial implementation of the ‘Sharpening’ algorithm would apply a single kernel one time for each level of sharpening. By the second or third iteration, the picture was unusable. This leaves very little flexibility in applying this effect. After research, I changed the algorithm such that the amount of sharpening is the size of the sharpening kernel. This led to a much more natural sharpening scale.

Old Sharpening Algorithm on Level 3
New Sharpening Algorithm on Level 9

I also did the ethics reading and assignment this week.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

We are on schedule with the Gantt chart shown in the design review and still have an excess of slack. We will test our first design this upcoming week.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Initial testing results for the robot’s search/detection and the editing algorithm.

Justin’s Status Report for February 26

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress.

I spent Sunday working on the design review presentation, and I used the dedicated class time for reviewing other groups’ presentations. My main focus for the week was on the physical setup of the project. Our parts came in this week, so I worked with my team members to set up the Jetson Nano and get the cameras connected and working. I also went on a trip to home depot to find the parts needed for the stand: 3 wooden boards, threaded rods, nuts, and bolts. I had a tripod from a previous project.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

We are on schedule with the Gantt chart shown in the design review. We will finish the setup this week, so we can test the following week.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

The final physical tripod setup.



Justin’s Status Report for February 12

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours). 

The first half of my week was dedicated to the project proposal. On Sunday, I spent a large part of the day preparing the presentation slides.  When we found out our group was scheduled for Wednesday, I took advantage of the next few days to continue practicing my presentation.

After the presentation, I worked with the group to finalize our camera order. We attempted to be as thorough as possible in researching cameras because these are the most important of our hardware setup. I spent the last part of the week researching image editing. My main task for this week was to develop the basic image processing algorithms and heuristics, but I realized I knew less about this topic than I had thought. I began by researching the process of photo editing by watching youtube tutorials. Then I started to look over the implementation of image processing algorithms.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule? ”

Presentation preparation and camera research were unaccounted for in our original Gantt chart, and they took a substantial amount of my time. While I was supposed to finish the initial image editing approach this week, I am still in the research process. However, I am confident that I will be caught up by the end of the project setup phase.

Because our cameras are so expensive compared to our budget, our group wanted to wait for presentation feedback before finalizing our order. This way we would ensure that our camera choice was and other major components were not needed.  As a result, our tasks for next week will be delayed a week while our parts ship. During the upcoming week, I will finish the initial image editing design. We also made conservative time estimates for project setup tasks and scheduled a week of project setup slack.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Next week I hope to deliver the codes and notes for the initial image editing approach.