Sarah’s Status Update for Saturday, 29 2019

This week, I presented the Design Review Presentation. We focused on specifying the metrics and validation of our project.  Many helpful feedbacks were given by the audience. After receiving peer review feedback, I personally learned how I presented in front of people. I realized that I lacked skills in speaking loudly and having eye contact with the audience. The feedback also included some specific comments about our design as well. We are looking forward to covering the feedbacks on including array geometry and simple frequency analysis for our design report. The comments were very helpful.

(output of analog to pdm with simple signal)

In addition, I created analog to pdm converter as shown above. The code can used for testing purposes. Furthermore, a basic pdm to pcm is coded with the help from Ryan. He found a nice library in MATLAB that had the necessary functions to do so. The plot can be seen in Ryan’s Saturday Report. Yet, we do have considerations that the current code is not efficient enough for 96 microphone array. Some more filtering should be done.

A potential solution is found to be using a CIC filter. CIC filters achieve both decimation and interpolation without using multipliers.  We find this a good alternative to the current design of pdm to pcm.

In terms of the schedule, we are on track.

For next week, I look forward to starting coding in Python or Java since we are currently working on MATLAB codes and look for efficient manners of computing the pdm to pcm.

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