Team Status Report 11/9

Summary Continued working on ML model performance improvement Fully integrating sqlite database code into webserver Worked on the frontend code and finished the login and register page What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans Read more…

Team Status Report for 11/2

Summary Our group completed: Trying to get the NVIDIA Jetson to work Fully integrating sqlite database code into webserver Implementing performance monitoring framework for webserver Began testing the performance of our webserver Finished 3d-printing all files for proposed Rpi case Continued working on ML model performance improvement What are the Read more…

Team Status Report 09/21

Progress report for work done until 09/21 Worked and submitted abstract, Received feedback from advisors and finetuned proposal, Developed and delivered the proposal presentation, The initial code base github setup for audio processing code started, Team meeting on 09/19 helped us hash out the specifics of the project and divide Read more…