Things accomplished this week

A substantial amount of my time went into working on the design report, researching specific benchmarks and reference metrics. It required an in-depth understanding of the subsystems and the system as a whole and hence we were able to plan and hash out more specifics of our project before formal implementation. Other than that, we talked about our deliverables and what we hope to accomplish by next week – we talked through this in detail and defined the database – webserver interface for future integration.


I successfully implemented and unit-tested both the SQLite and the Amazon RDS databases that takes in packets modelled by the YOLO output and queries packets as modelled by the requests. I was able to integrate S3 image storage and retrieval and local file system for the respective databases.

RDS Cloud implementation

SQLite dummy implementation

I also started work and made significant progress on the RPi CAD model as the online available resources weren’t exactly what we were looking for. I decided to change up the design for the camera holder that suit our needs more and can be placed at an angle that can take a picture that works for the YOLO processing, but also is variable since I added a hinge, so users can adjust the angle of the camera better to maximize the system performance.

Example of the top of the case for the Rpi

Hinge for camera movement

Is your progress on schedule or behind

I believe I am on schedule, the integration of the database with the webserver is not done yet, and I will be working on this for the rest of the week. The CAD designs will also be ready for printing by EOD.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

1. Database (both SQLite and Amazon RDS) integration with webserver and test out our entire system

2. Print out the CAD model and calibrate for another print if necessary

3. Come up with designs for the frontend UI for our webpage.



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