Things accomplished this week

  1.  Collected data on RPi (working on sending it wirelessly)

    Initial Setup for preliminary testing

  2.  Started work on a framework to support Rpi camera placement
  3.  Working on the design document due next week
  4.  Worked on testing lambda interface
  5.  Worked on making few changes to the Design Presentation
  6.  Successfully created a CSV file database for preliminary testing but with added functionality (multiple user, multiple writes) –? waiting to hash out interface


Is your progress on schedule or behind

  1. Progress seems to be slightly behind schedule for me as I had hoped to implement Amazon RDS by now – but due to midterm preparation commitments, i fell slightly behind. i will aim to finish this by 10/9 – which is well within the slack time built for this.
  2. Will be finishing up the CAD design by EOW

    Example design of camera stand

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

  1. I want to finalize the database we would like to use so I can fine-tune the decided one according to what we need
  2. Define what the output of the vision model will look like so that there is an established connection between the yolo model and the database – and that there is successful query-ing using a text request [this will likely take another 1.5 weeks]



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