Currently, the biggest risk that could jeopardize the success of the project is the PID controller. All the AI inference and electrical hardware is able to accomplish the desired function but all that is remaining is to mount it on the drone. The way we are managing these risks are by focusing solely on the controller while also investigating back ups that may be easier. Gaurav, Bhavik and Ankit are all going to only be working on the PID controller from now on to try to get it ready in time for final demo. Our contingency plan is to use the Pixhawk flight controller which comes with all the necessary hardware on it. This should theoretically be easier to calibrate to get the drone to fly stable.
No changes were made to the hardware design as of now. If we ever have to use our contingency plan, we will have to change the requirements to incorporate the Pixhawk. For software design, we did make a change to the model we were using. When trying to compile the balloon detection model for the Hailo-8L accelerator, we were having trouble parsing through all the documentation. However, there was a pre-trained, pre-optimized model already available in the provided model zoo, which we decided to use instead. We are modifying the script used to run the inference to only detect humans and only transmit the human with the highest inference confidence.