These last 2 weeks, I was able to accomplish many of my tasks. The first task I was able to accomplish was the design report. I worked with my teammates extensively in order to complete the design report and accomplish all the requirements. I was also able to get much of my own tasks done. I was able to finish the basic setup and start work on the DPU setup for the Kria. I also setup Vitis AI on my laptop and have been working with the AMD contact, Varun, and Bhavik in order to run our own PyTorch model on my laptop. I also worked on flashing Petalinux onto the Kria so I can connect my laptop to the Kria and upload any necessary files. This is partially working, since I am having some issues getting the internet to work.

My progress is on schedule. Since I was able to setup the architecture on the FPGA that can actually accept the object detection model, then if I can resolve the issues I’m having with the Kria and Vitis AI then we can actually test the model. I just have to get the internet running on the Kria so that the Kria can download the necessary package and try running Bhavik’s Pytorch model in Vitis AI.
By next week, I hope to have the Kria board running with the internet and having the necessary Vitis AI files on it. I also hope to have the DPU architecture flashed onto the FPGA fabric so that the Kria is ready to run tests.