Sumayya’s Status Report for 4/06

Progress Update:

From Last Week:

  • Set up camera with system – done
  • Test buttons and hand tracking with livestream video – done
  • Test reID with livestream video – done
  • integrate object tracking with camera / livestream – not done
    • Re-define how much to track and what user will see
  • Start processing the recipe – not done

I was able to demo gesture tracking mapped to button or gesture actions during the demo interim. This included setting up the external camera and testing gesture recognition/tracking with the project screen. There was a large learning curve when I realized how to use Meta’s API functions for a livestream but I was able to run my code with a live video feed.

Something I noticed was that there was a lot of latency in recognizing the gestures. I need to see if this was because of distance,  image quality or too much processing happening at once.

I had also implemented part of the calibration script that will look at the projected image and determine each button’s region and each swipe region. This was tested with a video input and worked very well. It’s harder with a projection due to lighting and distance.


Slightly behind: Need to make more progress on object tracking since reID is complete.

Next Week Plans: 

  • improve accuracy and latebcy of detecting a hand gesture
  • add object tracking with live video
  • set up arducam camera with AGX (Were using Etron camera but it has too much of fish eye effect and the fps is not compatible with our projector)
  • Help with recipe processing

Verification Plans:

Gesture Accuracy

  • Description: for each gesture, attempt to execute it on the specified region and note if system recognizes correctly
  • Gestures:
    • Start Button
    • Stop Button
    • Replay Button
    • Prev Swipe
    • Next Swipe
  • Goal: 90% accuracy


Gesture Recognition Latency

  • Description: for each gesture, attempt to execute it on the specified region and measure how how long the system takes to recognize the gesture
  • Goal: 3 seconds

Gesture Execution Latency

  • Description: for each gesture, attempt to execute it on the specified region and measure how how long the system takes to execute the gesture once its been recognized
  • Goal: 1 second

Single Object Re-ID Detection Accuracy

  • Description: how accurately is a single object detected in a frame. An image of the object will first be taken. The system must be able to detect this object again using the reference image.
  • Goal: 90% accuracy


Single Object Tracking Accuracy 

  • Description: single object can be smoothly tracked across the screen
  • Goal: given a set of continuous frames, object should be able to be tracked for 80-90% of the frames.


Multi Object Tracking Accuracy 

  • Description: multiple objects can be smoothly tracked across the screen
  • Goal: given a set of continuous frames, all intended objects should be able to be tracked for 80-90% of the frames.


Sumayya’s Report for 3/23

Progress Update:

I completed the Object Re-Identification logic and finish implementing it. This feature can detect the ingredients grid in the UI then see which cells are occupied. Once it identifies the occupied cell locations, it parses the json file that contains the list of ingredients that should be present in the grid. Each item has a property called “cell_pos” that has the expected row and column of the ingredient along with properties such as “name”, “filename”,  and “filepath”. This allows the program to retrieve the ingredient name and label the image of the ingredient captured from the grid.

As a result of this feature, I created modular functions that can easily add and remove ingredients from the json file and scan singular cells for an ingredients vs scanning the entire grid at once.

I used the following template of the UI (made by Caroline) to do my testing. I added images of ingredients to reID. This is what the camera will see projected on to the table:

Here is a video demonstrating the reID process:

Schedule: On track!

Next Week Plans:

  • Implement button actions using gesture recognition
  • Implement Swipe Gesture only in a region of interest
    • currently this has only been implemented for functionality and not integrated into TC
  • Consider adding a cursor feature that follows user’s finger tip (beyond MVP)