This week, I continued to work on integration. We switched to using my laptop for the project, so I was mostly working on system integration. The calibration script has been added to the pipeline so that the program waits for when the user interacts with the table calibration part. Before, it was assumed that the calibration would happen without user interaction, but now, when the user performs a new calibration, they web app shows a loading screen on the web app -> tells the user to move the red dots on the table -> the user confirms on the web app that it is done -> web app shows calibration loading screen until calibration is complete. I also have been working on fine-tuning the voice commands to work more consistently when everything is running together. It works very well independently, but it still does not recognize enough when running all together.
The voice commands are a bit behind schedule, as I hoped to be finished by now, but I don’t think this will take too much longer.
To Do:
– improve voice command accuracy
– integration and recipe processing
– polish web app (just appearance wise)