Sumayya’s Status Report – 3/16

Progress Update:

I implemented the SIFT object tracker this weekend using a guide from Siromer. The tracking was accurate but quite slow as shown in the video below. I applied the algorithm on every other frame but this did not improve the speed. I need to do further research on how to improve performance.

Given the time constraints, I will be pausing my work on object tracking as I have two reliable trackers so far (CSRT and SIFT). I will be focusing on object re-identification logic that takes images of items in the Ingredients Grid and correlates label to ingredient.


On Track!

Next Week Plans:

  • Object Re-identification / Labeling
    • Be able to identify Ingredients Grid
    • Be able to read from Labels JSON file to identify label of each cell
    • Take images of occupied cells and assign label to ingredient
    • Make this process modular so that new ingredients can be identified later in the recipe
  • Create JSON file template
  • Do gesture recognition on a region of interest (to mimic projected buttons)
  • Once above steps are done, create a unit function that can track specified object given its label.

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