This week, I talked to Marios and acquired a much larger tripod that is perfect for mounting the projector. Since the new one is sturdier than the first, the first will be used to mount the camera + AGX and the second for the projector. This is a positive change from our previous system and will require new brainstorming on mounting designs. Additionally, I outlined the projector calibration and have begun implementing the script for it. Currently the procedure is (1) inform user calibration is taking place, (2) detect table outline through user markers, (3) verify that the projected calibration grid matches an unwarped version and either reimage in software or prompt the user to raise the projector to preset height/angle changes. Caroline and I also discussed the pros and cons of using the homography that came with the Flutter UI vs a Python script that would require a frame by frame input.
I am on track and this week I plan to schedule out large portions of time to implement a working calibration script and design a hardware mount with our new materials. Our team is on track for integration before the interim demo