Sumayya’s Status Report for 2/17

Progress Update:

This week I spent many hours attempting to flash the Xavier AGX. After trying multiple installation methods, I learned that it is extremely difficult to flash Nvidia products on an M1 chip computer as it has an ARM64 architecture rather than the required AMD64 architecture. I attempted to flash on both my teammates computers but this was also proving difficult. I opted to reach out to Professor Marios for help and was fortunately able to acquire a spare PC.

Intel Chip Macbook unable to recognize the AGX

Additionally, I also tried to use OpenPose and MediaPipe. Installing OpenPose had similar issues on my computer but MediaPipe was very easy to use on the web.  I was able to test some gestures on MediaPipe using the online demos and found it to be fairly robust. I plan to test the same gestures on OpenPose once I have it installed on the new PC so I can compare its performance against MediaPose.

MediaPipe Recognizes “Thumbs-Up” gesture

I am currently working on the python script to run the gesture recognition algorithm to use with my computer camera.

Schedule Status: On track!

Next Week Plans:

  • Have a running python script with camera streaming from laptop
  • Have the same python script running on the AGX with the Arducam
  • Flash Jetson on new PC

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