Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies
The biggest thing we are uncertain about right now is whether or not the videos we are taking at the actual intersection we want to model (Fifth and Craig) will be sufficient to train the model. It could be challenging to position the GoPro camera at a high enough position to be able to see all of the cars on one side of the intersection. We are working on getting a good set of these videos to try using to train the CV object detection model, but it is certainly possible that it will simply be too hard to get the right angle. In that case, we will train the model using only videos found online, which is not ideal, but should suffice.
Changes to System Design
There haven’t been any changes to the design this week. Mostly we are just working on implementing the planned aspects right now, and we will further evaluate our design choices as we get closer to the interim demo.
Overall Takeaways and Progress
- The simulation is almost set-up so that we can begin testing our optimization algorithms when the time comes
- We managed to get the IP camera connected to the RPi, which is a good sign for our overall system integration
- PCB layout is almost complete and we will have it ordered by this coming Tuesday