Carter Weaver’s Status Report for 3/16/24

This week I worked on the actual development of my forecasting tools. Firstly, I was finally able to access a large and reliable enough dataset for load measurements from a selection of residential homes in the UK. Another data collection decision I made was to purchase a bulk download of historical weather data from 2013-2023 off of OpenWeatherMap for training purposes. The download consists of three datasets for three locations relevant to our solar, load, and wind datasets: Pittsburgh (US), Loughborough (UK), and Yalova (Turkey). 

As for code that I contributed to our repository, I started with some data preprocessing by extracting cyclical information from DateTime objects, such as days of the week, as features for our model to make more informed predictions. With the load data and supplementary weather data downloaded, I was able to finish all of my linear regression baseline models, all of which showed very bad results as expected.

Finally, I started experimenting with fitting our wind data to a simple lstm, which I got from Tensorflow’s Keras API. This is already exhibiting better results than our basline model, which is encouraging. Next week, I hope to have a simple lstm working for all of our datasets and then begin integrating the models with our webapp and optimization tools.

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