What I did the week before
My last week was spent learning and installing the vision and mapping tools.
What I did this week
About half of this week was spent on solidifying our design ideas and writing and design report.
Apart from report writing, I was able to test the Kinect One camera as the adapter arrived. The camera worked fine. To get the camera work I had to find my old RaspberryPi and install the libraries on it again since that’s how the perception module should be implemented according to our design. Then I had a bit of problem getting the software link between the camera and the RaspberryPi working although libfreenect seemed to work fine. I spent the rest of my time troubleshooting this issue but had not completely solved it yet.
What I plan to be doing next week
Fix the software bridge issue and finish converting raw sensing data into point cloud representation.
If there’s time after that, I also plan to get octomap working on the point cloud data.