Yufei’s Status Report for 02/24/2024

What I did the week before

My last week was focused on designing the frontend perception system.

What I did this week

The first half of this week was design review presentations. I presented our design to all of section C.

In the middle of the week, I contributed to assembling the robot arm.

The Kinect One camera did arrive mid-week, but I found out that it requires an adapter to work with USB ports after it arrived. Although I put in a purchase order as soon as I can, I wasn’t able to get to actually testing the camera by the end of this week. So I’ll have to do that next week.

Despite the sad fact mentioned above, I was able to dig deeper into the perception libraries and spent a fair amount of time learning how the conversion from the raw depth sensing data to point cloud representation in 3D space works.

What I plan to be doing next week

Testing the Kinect One camera.

Building the initial prototype of the perception system based on the kinect libraries.

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