Team Status Report for 03/23/2024

Significant Risks

The most significant risk we currently face is that we have finally gotten our localization system with at least 3 anchors up and running, and yet, we are seeing less than desirable results with regards to localization frequency (not quite < 2 Hz)  and position accuracy (the tag’s distance measurements seem to have variance of up to +/- 0.75 meters). To improve the latency, we are implementing various optimization strategies such as running a thread in the background to process the data, and are already seeing slight speedup. For position accuracy, we are currently tinkering with slightly different methods of calculating the position using the 3 distances. We are also implementing smoothing that averages at least the last 3 measurements. We might also see accuracy gains if we use more anchors.

Changes to System Design

We were able to successfully set up a webserver and send localization updates to the webserver. Because of this, there was no need to make any updates to the system design. 


This week we were able to further test the localization system. We were able to have the tag find the positions of at least five anchors simultaneously, and we also found that the maximum distance we could communicate between a tag and an anchor appeared to be approximately 35 meters, which is above the 25 meter benchmark we were aiming for in our Design Report. 

Next week is the runup to our midpoint demo; hence, we would like to continue improving our localization accuracy, augment our user orientation using the IMU data, and continue making improvements to the throughput between our webserver and the client by testing websockets. 

An updated schedule with our current progress can be found here.

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