Angel’s Status Report for 2/17

  • Weekly Team Meeting (4hr)
    • Researched different ways to implement our speed up coils. Leaning toward the H-Bridge Design
    • Researched different ways to implement our stop, start, and speed system. Considering creating a system centered around a magnetometer
    • Finalized details of initial track and carrier design
  • Mandatory Meeting (4hr)
    • Discussed feedback relating to our start-stop system and how we want to go about stopping the train if blocked
    • Further developed our track and carrier design
  • Design  Preparation (4hr)
    • Collaborated with team to finalize details of our design review
    • Discussed deliverables we wanted to meet throughout the project

Through out this week, my team spent time going over feedback we received from the proposal and discussed changes we could make. This result in all of us doing research on ultrasonic sensors as an alternative to LIDAR sensors. We have decided to move forward with this decision. Also, my team started considering simpler ways to implement the speed up coils. Following the feedback we received from the instructor, we decided to use the H-Bridge system due to it having many of our desired needs (such as protection from high-voltages with a fullback diode) built in.

We have finalized the designs for our carrier and track. Our carrier is designed to be light weight but able to hold the ultrasonic sensor, magnetometer, and three magnets . Our track is currently oval shaped and 450 cm across. We plan to develop a straight track for testing and our MVP.

Given that we haven’t started building the “speed-up” coils, we are behind schedule. We plan to order the parts for this component this week so we can start the build process. We also plan on updating our schedule.

Angel’s Status Report for 2/10

This Week

  • Weekly Team Meeting (4hr)
    • Discussed design of prototype one
    • Research alternatives for the maglev design
    • Discussed how to implement “speed-up” coils
  • Mandatory Meeting (4hr)
    • Watched proposal presentations and provided feedback
  • Proposal Preparation (4hr)
    • Collaborated with team to finalize details of our proposal
    • Discussed deliverables we wanted to meet throughout the project

Throughout this week, we spent time working on the proposal presentation and finalizing details for our first prototype. In our proposal, we honed in on our intended audience and how we would deliver the best product for this group. We decided to target our project towards train enthusiast and individuals with interests in electromagnetics. Our final product is intended to be an interactive maglev train that has model train components and utilizes key properties of electromagnetics.

We are currently on-schedule.

Next Week

In the following week, I hope to work with my teammates to finalize the design for our first prototype. We intended to order products for our first prototype including 3D filament, digital potentiometers, and magnets. Also, I hope to start designing and building the “speed-up” coils that will be used to regulate speed on the track.