Angel’s Status Report for 2/24

This Week 

  • Weekly Team Meeting (6hr)
    • Created cardboard prototype of carrier and track to test levitation and strength of magnets
    • Adjusted CAD design metrics to better fit result from cardboard prototype
  • Mandatory Meeting (4hr)
    • Watched design review presentations and provided feedback
  • Independent Work (2hr)
    • Created cardboard prototype of carrier and track to test levitation and strength of magnets
    • Researched different designs of model maglevs to get ideas on how to improve the prototype

Through out this week, I spent time working with the new supplies we received. I developed a cardboard track and carrier with elongated sides (both with magnets) to test the strength of our magnets. The magnets were very strong, which often lead to the carrier flipping over. After the carriers elongated sides were adjusted and the carriers length was extended, levitation of the carrier stabilized at around 1 inch. I plan to adjust the CAD design of our carrier and track to better match these results.

We are currently behind schedule but we plan to adjust our schedule to match our progress

Next Week

In the following week, I hope to print the CAD design of the track and carrier and test its levitation. If all goes well, I plan to work with my teammates to attached the speedup coils and test the propulsion.

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