- Team Meeting (4 hrs)
- Worked on final prototype
- Mandatory Meeting (4hrs)
- Watch Final Presentation
- Provide Final presentation feedback
- Independent Work (4 hrs)
- Work on final presentation
- Create final carrier prototype.
- Work on creating remaining parts of the track
This week, I worked on creating the final version of the carrier. We decided on making the final version of our carrier 7 cm (sanded down to reduce to friction) to fit on a 6.5 cm track. The carrier has linear hall effects on both sides of the track to detect stops on either side of the track. We also placed the breadboard on a particular part of the carrier to ensure that the weight was balanced. This meant the carrier would properly propel when stimulated by the coil and levitate evenly.
We also worked on making progress on our track. Due to issues with 3D printers, we were not able to print the remainder of our track. Because of this, we were limited in how we were able to test our track. We attempted to test our propulsion on 1/3 of the track (the current prototype we have). We did so by attaching our coils to H-Bridges, setting up the code to progressively propel the track, and seeing how successful the propulsion was. This propulsion was successful for the carrier if there was no battery attached. While we can power the carrier circuit through a long wire opposed to a battery, this would look messy and force us to continuously mindful of the wire as the carrier propels. We have created alternative spools that will create shorter speed coils. We hope that with this design, the carrier w/ a battery can propel successful. We plan to test these new spools with our new, longer track.
Next Week
We will print the rest our track and finish integration of our system.