Alejandro’s Status Report for 2/11

This week I helped on creating the proposal slides for the presentation that Aditya gave on Wednesday.

I was also supposed to think about the design of the data structure for the audio file in our code. I thought that we could have the following data structure for the audio file. The data structure would contain a field containing the length of the audio in minutes, the sampling rate of the audio in samples per second, the number of samples taken throughout the whole audio, and a field containing an object which would be containing the content of the Short Time Fourier Transform for our audio.

class audio {






I also researched into some helpful tools that we could utilize for our frequency processor. I found out that MATLAB offers a function called “pitch()” that when given an audio file input it will give us an output containing the frequencies of the audio. This would be ideal for us to use it to detect what note frequencies are being played at a certain time. This is the output of the function for a C-scale audio for example 

and this is the output for a constant c-note

The only issue is that when the audio goes quiet we get inconsistent frequencies like for the first image at the beginning and at the end. Therefore, at moments of silence we would have to ignore the output of this algorithm and this might be a challenge we have to deal with in the future.

My progress is on schedule, and next week I will be focusing on designing the data structure for the Short Time Fourier Transform as well as helping my team in integrating the frequency processor in the back-end in Python.


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