This week I primarily focused on preparing for the demo. This included ensuring the Ampere-Maxwell Experiment worked with the sautered switches that I did over the weekend. I spent a majority of my week coming up with the Educational E&M Content for the Web App for the Advanced level of users (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced levels). I also sourced the illustrations that were required for the web app content and the quizzes that we will have for the users.
I am currently on track according to the schedule. In the next week, I will complete the content for the basic level and possibly the intermediate levels as well.
With regards to testing, for the web app educational content, we plan to have Professor Maysam Chamanzar take a look at our modules as he teaches the fundamentals of Electromagnetics course at CMU. He will be able to better advise us on the accuracy and readability/understandability of the content.
For the testing of the Ampere-Maxwell Experiment, I can test that with a Square wave power supply via the ADALM to test the ability of the solenoid to flip its magnetic field and have the compass deflect over multiple cycles (~100). This would test the durability of the experiment without me having to manually flip the switch repeatedly.