Anna’s Status Report for 2/25

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files or photos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).  

This week, in class time was spent viewing and responding to group design presentations. Some of the feedback we received this week was to create better backups in case any of our original plans do not workout. When we were considering a homegrown algorithm for pitch detection, the backups were existing modules. Now that we have moved on to using existing modules, we should flesh out specifics of what our focus should be, as well as what the back ups are.

For the design report, we would also like to spend more time identifying areas that we are unsure about and should focus on developing a backup for. For the web application side specifically, I think the difficult points will be the UI during gameplay. Namely, I am worried about synching data about the song, like lyrics and target notes, with the music playing and the ajax updates. I know that this is something I would like to be able to focus a good amount of time on.

Beyond the presentations and report considerations, most of my progress came from experimenting with Chart.js. I spent a good amount of time reading through the documentation and examples of use of the module to try to familiarize myself with the uses. I think it will be a very helpful tool in providing visual feedback in the results page, and I am interested in using it during the game. I haven’t been able to find any scrolling options, but I think, potentially, the data attribute of the chart can be updated with AJAX, showing a slightly different subsection of the notes as we go. However, there may be some issues with granularity in this case.

Above is an image from a dummy line chart I created with the use of chart.js. A more detailed and granular version of this can be used to show input pitch trends vs target pitch. Using chart.js will also be useful because it could allow users to zoom into parts of the song and view their singing patterns with more granularity.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?  

I am currently on schedule on my deliverables, which include a basic UI and the ability to select and play a song. However, I would have liked to have made more progress on recording user input vocals, which I will prioritize this next week. To do so, I’ll set small deliverables for myself between each group meeting.

Please list the particular ECE courses (if any) that covered the engineering science and mathematics principles your team used to develop your design ? If there are no courses please tells us how you learned those principles over the last week ?

This week, my focus has been more on research and personal development. Next week, I predict the focus will be more on group communication and collaboration, as the bulk of the work next week will be the design report.

15-112: The final project required self guided research and work with existing code.

17-712: This course projects require exploration of new codebases and working with open source code. It has been helpful in figuring out how to divide up my work, and has made me emphasize doing research before starting, rather than trying to make modules you don’t fully understand.

10-615: This class also required work with unfamiliar modules and troubleshooting when it didn’t work as planned.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

Next week, my focus will be to continue playing with chart.js modules. I want to explore scrolling and updating chart data with ajax, which will be important in understanding whether or not this module can be used for gameplay or only for results.

Next, I will start working with audio inputs, making sure I understand if there are any difficulties with permissions and with passing audio input information between python and javascript. Before spring break, I want to be able to record the user the whole time the target song plays, and then, once the song is over, take the user to a new page. This page can either contain a dummy graph or, alternatively, a recording of the audio inputs.

Most of next week’s work, however, will likely be work on the design report, which is due on Friday. I expect that most of our class meeting time will consist of discussing the feedback we got, agreeing on what we want to change, and organizing report structure. Outside of class, we will write up our report sections independently.

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