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Devank Agarwal Status Report March for 11th

Devank Agarwal Status Report March for 11th

This status report is going to cover the weeks of Feb 27th to March 4th and March 5th to March 11th. For the former week: During this week we finally got a hold of the wood required to build the frame. Jimmy and I made 

Jimmy’s Status Report for March 4th

Jimmy’s Status Report for March 4th

This week I worked on helping with the frame and working on the Design Report. I helped pick up the wood from Home Depot where we ordered it and transported it back to CMU for us to use. I helped start construction of the frame 

Design Review Report

Design Review Report


Devank Status report  for Feb 25th

Devank Status report for Feb 25th

This week was a little slow. We picked up the wood and started work on the frame. I wrote up a decent chunk of the code for the shot calculation algorithm. Ran into a few bugs with line creation between two points and then checked 

Team Status Report for February 25

Team Status Report for February 25

Currently there is some risk resulting from delays in materials coming in. We just received the wood for the frame which was behind schedule. We are managing this risk by going out of order on our schedule and working on the software before we get 

Jimmy’s Status Report for February 25th

Jimmy’s Status Report for February 25th

This week on Sunday I practiced the design presentation to make sure I was prepared and ready for difficult audience questions. I also have been designing the CV program that is trained to recognize pool table balls on the pool table. The progress on the CV program has been slower than expected this week due to several activities and classes I am in having a lot of mandatory events and large projects going on this week. I am slightly behind progress but I am going to put in extra work this weekend and next week (Thursday and Friday I am free all day to work on Capstone) so I will be able to get back on schedule and maybe even ahead of schedule. I hope to complete the CV training this week and start to hook it up to the camera to recognize pool balls.

Justin’s Status Report for 2-25-23

Justin’s Status Report for 2-25-23

This week I received my microcontroller and sensors, and was able to start making progress integrating them together. I have first started with the accelerometer/compass, and trying to get data read from that. I can get the data from a controller to my computer, but 

Team Status Report for February 18th

Team Status Report for February 18th

For significant risks, two team members have been sick last week and this week so if this is to continue over the rest of the semester it could cause problems. We are managing these risks by trying to stay as safe as possible for staying 

Justin’s Status Report for 2-18-23

Justin’s Status Report for 2-18-23

This week I continued doing research for which parts I should order. My main focus was in whether or not to use a RPi instead of an Arduino. The main tradeoff is between price and ease-of-use. Many of the sensors I am planning to use are preconfigured for Arduino, but I would have to buy an Arduino while I could simply borrow RPis from the inventory. I also did research on how to write programs for the two microcontrollers to see if that would sway my decision. I eventually decided to choose Arduino and if necessary, I can borrow RPis later. My progress is on schedule as while I budgeted this time to order and receive parts, there are still some components that will not arrive until next week. Next week I hope to get the data transfer between the Arduino and laptop completed, and be able to test how often data can be sent between the two. Our project used principles from 18-349 Embedded Systems, 18-341 Logic Design and Verification, and 33-141 Physics 1. 349 and 341 both deal with communicating between devices, and Physics 1 was used for the shot calculations.

Jimmy’s Status Report for February 18th

Jimmy’s Status Report for February 18th

This week I started working on the CV portion of our project. I was doing research into openCV and started writing up programs that would loop through many photos of pool tables with balls to be able to train it to recognize pool balls.  I