The current risks that could jeopardize our progress is if we are not able to figure out how to get cleaner data from our IMU in time for our final Demo. We are managing this by considering alternative so that our project will be able to be at least semi functional by the time we complete our assignment.
Some updates were made with regards to multiplayer and the way we will be implementing our hardware. Since there were issues with getting our game to show for multiple devices, we have updated our design to only display on one device, and screen share to a larger screen. This had to be done do to issues that came with implementing this design choice, and the little time we now have to fix them. Although it will make the experience less enjoyable, it will still be playable and fun regardless.
The main tests that were done were latency tests, which were done by adding time stamps to our code and determining how long on average it took to run that section of code. For our pen for example, we added this time stamp at the beginning of the loop and at the end of the loop and took the difference to determine how long this calculation took. After running this test for 100 iterations, an average was taken to determine the average latency for our pen. Additionally, there were line accuracy tests performed by drawing an arbitrary line on a sheet of paper and then trying to trace over it. We tried to identify the percentage of line that was covered by physically measuring the length of line was uncovered by the AR line. We also did some user testing by asking a few friends to try out our pen and rate how they felt our pen was. Overall, the results of these tests were that our latency and overall communication speed for our project is up to par. However, our positional data from our pen is severely lacking and mostly non-functional. As addressed in Sophia’s status report, there have been several attempts to try to fix this problem, but to no avail.
No changes to the schedule have occurred, we are currently just working harder to get everything done on time