Currently our project is at risk of, in general, not functioning to MVP due to some setbacks we have had with hardware integration and implementing cloud anchoring + networking for use with multiple devices. These risks are currently being addressed as we try our best to meet our set deadlines in the project. If needed, there are some backup implementations, where we can use other methods to achieve a similar effect, like screen sharing or sending position data using the touch screen.
One of the major changes that we made was our shift to using Arduino system and bluetooth instead of using wifi, since there was much more stability ensured with our Arduino and the bluetooth hardware we choose to use (HC-05). This also meant using different bluetooth packages with unity instead of the uduino packages we were using previously. This change was necessary since it actually had compatibility with android devices, which was where we were trying to eventually build our final product.
The other major change we have made is the replacement of cloud anchoring across multiple devices with screen sharing across multiple devices. This would be done by screen sharing our host android device to another device/laptop that would then be displayed through HDMI cord on a big monitor. This was done with an application called TeamViewer, which allows one device to be used as a host and other devices to hook into this device and view what is being displayed on it. Therefore, all users would still effectively be able to see what is being drawn in the real world and guess in real-time, and the drawer would simply be changed to whoever holds the host device and pen.
These design tradeoffs would allow us to stay on schedule towards a mostly completed and functional project, while not taking away too much from the game and user experience itself. Therefore, our remaining amount of time before the final demo could be better used refining to perfection what we have already implemented rather than attempting to implement more stuff that may or may not work properly.
In general, this week we spent some more time working on integration and our final presentation slides. Everything is mostly integrated from end to end, but there are still some kinks that need to be flushed out that are addressed and explained in further detail in our individual status reports.